Bombay Sapphire🍃🌸
Stir Creativity / When artists meets mixologists
5 artists and 2 talented mixologists are collaborating to create a unique colorfull space.
Wavy, dynamic, falling and ascending, the shapes are in a perpetual movement. Inspired by the cocktails and mixologists nature theme, this organic painting goes for something rough and soft at the same time. The idea is to blend styles into one aesthetic and harmonious way, fading out colours, textures and shapes one into another, like the mixologist do while preparing the cocktails. The leafs and flowers are close to be abstract, seeking again for a balance between perceptible and abstraction.
Instagram accounts from the mixologists and artists
Mixologists 🍹@noavanongevalle @dragonyen
Artists 🎨 @sam_scarpulla @livable_world @luismlambrechts @kaspariantamar @adrien.roubens